2025-2026 Virtual Education Application and Renewal Form
This form serves as the “letter of intent” for Wyoming school districts to seek approval to become virtual education providers as well as the renewal application for districts with programs approved in the previous school year. The form may only be completed and submitted by the school district's Virtual Education Coordinator.
Virtual Education Coordinator (only a person assigned to this role within the district on the WDE609 collection may complete and submit this application)
First Name
Last Name
Virtual Education Coordinator's Email Address
School District
Please Select
Albany County School District #1
Big Horn County School District #1
Big Horn County School District #2
Big Horn County School District #3
Big Horn County School District #4
Campbell County School District #1
Carbon County School District #1
Carbon County School District #2
Converse County School District #1
Converse County School District #2
Crook County School District #1
Fremont County School District #1
Fremont County School District #2
Fremont County School District #6
Fremont County School District #14
Fremont County School District #21
Fremont Country School District #24
Fremont County School District #25
Fremont Country School District #38
Goshen County School District #1
Hot Springs County School District #1
Johnson County School District #1
Laramie County School District #1
Laramie County School District #2
Lincoln County School District #1
Lincoln County School District #2
Natrona County School District #1
Niobrara County School District #1
Park County School District #1
Park County School District #6
Park County School District #16
Platte County School District #1
Platte County School District #2
Sheridan County School District #1
Sheridan County School District #2
Sheridan County School District #3
Sublette County School District #1
Sublette County School District #9
Sweetwater County School District #1
Sweetwater County School District #2
Teton County School District #1
Uinta County School District #1
Uinta County School District #4
Uinta County School District #6
Washakie County School District #1
Washakie County School District #2
Weston County School District #1
Weston County School District #7
Virtual Education Program Name (School District may be used if there is no specific program name)
Brief description of the Virtual Education Program being proposed or renewed. Please include the main purpose for the program and the main method of course delivery. This description will be used on the Virtual 307 website and may be edited by the WDE as needed.
Virtual Education Program Type (select all that apply)
Full-time (more than 50% of a student's education program)
Part-time (less than 50% of a student's education program)
Statewide (students may participate in the program regardless of where they live in the state)
District Level (only student who live in the district can take the virtual education courses being proposed or offered)
Other (this is to describe regional area or other configurations besides district only or statewide and/or when the program will vary by grade level such as full-time K-8 but part-time for 9-12)
Virtual Education Program Grade Levels (select all that apply)
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Link to Virtual Education Program website or webpage (if one exists)
Virtual Education Program Contact Name (This person will be listed as the contact on the Virtual 307 website and would typically be the person contacted for program information including course registration, completing an application for participation, etc. Typically this would be the same person identified as the Virtual Education Coordinator for the school district but it doesn't have to be.)
First Name
Last Name
Virtual Education Program Contact Title
Virtual Education Program Contact Email Address
Virtual Education Program Contact Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
If different than the Virtual Education Program contact listed above, provide the contact name and information within the school district who assumes primary responsibility for the program (first and last name, position/title, email address, and phone number)
Program state date (first day of classes for the 2025-2026 school year)
Program end date (last day of classes for the 2025-2026 school year)
Estimated number of part-time students
Estimated number of full-time students
The above estimate(s) are based on (select all that apply)
A needs assessment
Prior enrollment statistics
An interest survey
Estimated number of part-time teachers
Estimated number of full-time teachers
Maximum allowed student to teacher ratio (e.g., 25:1)
Teacher's course load (e.g., no more than six [6] course sections)
Teachers will be
employed by the school district.
employed by the vendor from which the courses are purchased.
employed by a combination of the district and the vendor(s).
Proposed number of course offerings
Curriculum Type
Courses will be purchased from a vendor
Courses will be developed within the district
Combination of both purchased and district-developed
Do you allow early course completion? As in allowing students to complete a course before the end of the term and not enrolling them in another course while they remain in membership?
Will the school district's permanent student information system (SIS) be used for data collection and reporting, including to record each virtual education student's weekly attendance equivalent based on LMS participation reports?
Yes--the district SIS will be used for all data collection and reporting including weekly recording of attendance based on participation reports from the LMS.
No--a different system/SIS will be used for data collection and reporting in place of the district's SIS including weekly recording of attendance based on participation reports from the LMS.
Other--A combination of SIS and reporting systems will be used.
Upload Signed Statement of Assurance.
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Upload Signed Curriculum Assurance, if the program is offered full time.
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Upload Parent and Student Handbook, if the program is offered full time.
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Upload Program Application Narrative, if this is a new program, or changes in the program have taken place since the narrative was first submitted.
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Optional space for questions, comments, or additional information.
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